

eliminate 消除、排除

annual leave bonus 年假奖金

startup company 创业公司

driver’s theory exam 驾照理论考试

underrestmate 低估

I’ve got accepted to the… 被录取

I have a good chance of winning a scholarship

awesome 很棒

percentage 百分比

reproduce quickly 繁殖快

insect 昆虫


fight infections 对抗感染


the pervasiveness of … 常态、什么什么的普遍性

fostering businesses 促进企业

extraction 提取

limited scope 有限的范围

divided into four categories 分为四类

unauthorised disclosure of information 未经授权的披露信息

leakage 泄漏

disclosure 披露

drawn extensive attention 引起广泛关注

ambiguous 模棱两可

supervised and unsupervised 监督和非监督

mapping function f (X) 映射函数

presents some challenges such as… 提出了/带来了一些挑战

proposed two approaches 提出了两种方法

render two important definition 给出两个重要的定义

statistical distribution 统计分布

store or buffered 存储、缓存

presented a report 提交了一份报告

tourism sector 旅游业

Scalability 可伸缩性

different loads 不同的负载

infrastructure 基础设施

encrypted/ decrypt 加密/解密

An emerging fifield 一个新兴的领域

genome sequencing 基金组测序

semihonest 半诚实的

fake 假的

extensive research 广泛的研究

prerequisite 先决条件

confidential information 机密信息

reluctant 不情愿的

illustrates 阐明

relevance 相关性

Some methods suggested that 一些方法表明

distortion 失真

novel idea 新思路

opens up several promising avenues 开辟了几个有希望的途径

workers strikes 工人罢工

mission 使命、任务

keep in touch with everyone through Facebook

peek at 窥视

adversary 对手、敌手

vice versa. 反之亦然

intelligence community 情报部门

counterintelligence 反情报

high-definition 高清

mission 任务

intuition 直觉


take sth into consideration 考虑。。。在内

inject new growth momentum for

tourist attractions nationwide 全国旅游景点

deputy director 副职位

other-worldly 超凡脱俗

architectural project 建筑项目

sustain 持久的、持续的

pass down multiple generations 代代相传

nonpartisan 无党派的

bipartisan 两党的

poll 投票、民意调查

plunged from A to B 暴跌 ; 骤降

abysmal 糟糕的

pandemic 流行病

potential fraud 潜在欺骗

postpone deadline 推迟截止时间

restriction 限制、约束

stop-gap measure 权宜之计/折中方案


unemployment aid 失业救济金

coronavirus pandemic 病毒流行

news conference 新闻发布会

harass 骚扰

misled 误导

testimony 证词

have much room for improvement 有很大的改进空间

have no room for flexibility 没有灵活的空间

temperamental 反复无常的、性情的

stereotype 刻板印象

fluctuate 流动、波动

monopoly 垄断


take it for granted 想当然

find fault with 找茬

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